Tuesday, 16 February 2016


The icicles glow,
as the moon shines,
soon it will snow;
The weather person,
says it will rain,
nice to have it,
warmer again.
Now the rain,
begins to fall,
water goes drip drip,
and the icicles fall.
O, how I want to hear,
the robin's song,
and the wild goose call.

Saturday, 13 February 2016



There was an old man,

who sat on a log,

taking a rest,

while walking his dog.

The snow flurries,

started fluttering down,

soon to put a white blanket,

to cover the cold ground.

High in an old maple tree,

a blue jay cries for rain,

and not for snow again.

Now with a pause,

and a sigh,

I thank God,

who watches us,

from His throne on high;

Thank you Father,

for sending your Son,

through His shed blood,

we have salvation,

and a victory won.

Saturday, 6 February 2016


Snow flakes, snow flakes,
fill the dark sky,
in the distance,
a blue jay cries;
Chick a Dee  fly,
fly to and fro,
as to the feeders they go.
Doves sit on the wires,
they sit in the trees,
cooing to each other,
and that sounds,
wonderful to me.