Saturday, 29 September 2018

Drips and Drops!

Today I sit,
and stare out my window,
watching the drops of rain,
as it drips off the roof,
while others drip,
drip down the window pane.
I remember when a lad,
when rainy days,
were the best days;
we would gather,
in the old,old tree house,
and play monopoly all day,
and pass the day away.
The rain goes drip, drip,
slow and steady down the drain;
soon the clouds will clear,
and the drips and drops,
will stop until it rains again.

~Winston Staples

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Rocking in His Arms!


I am rocking,
rocking in the arms of Jesus,
no better place to be,
rocking in the arms of Jesus,
a great refuge for me.
Once I walked in sin,
until Jesus took me in;
now I am safe,
I am rocking secure,
in the arms of Jesus.
So my dear friend,
if you are walking in sin,
ask Jesus to forgive,
and come rock with me,
safely rocking in the arms of Jesus.
~ Winston Gerald Staples